Tune in

Tune in

Since a few years I meditate and I truly love it. For me it’s the gap in time where I’m fully aware of life at its best and where I’m connected with all there is …

Deepak Chopra, one of my great teachers, defines meditation as tuning in and getting in touch with it all:

Everyone thinks that the purpose of meditation is to handle stress, to tune out, to get away from it all. While that’s partially true, the real purpose of meditation is actually to tune in, not to get away from it all, but to get in touch with it all. Not to just de-stress, but to find that peace within, the peace that spiritual traditions talk about that passes all understanding. So, meditation is a way to get in the space between your thoughts. You have a thought here, a thought here, and there’s little space between every thought.

According to wisdom traditions, this space between the thought is the window, is the corridor, is the vortex to the infinite mind – the mystery that some people call the spirit or God. We don’t have to use those terms, but it’s your core consciousness. And the more we learn about this space between thoughts, we find certain things to be true of it:

  • It’s a field of infinite possibilities – infinite possibilities, pure potentiality.
  • Everything is connected to everything else.
  • It’s a space of infinite creativity, infinite imagination.
  • It is a place where there is something called the observer effect, or the power of intention, which means intention is very powerful when brought to this space and it orchestrates its own fulfillment – what people call the law of attraction – so those are wonderful qualities of your own spirit.

In meditation, we get into this space so we find infinite possibilities, infinite correlation, infinite creativity, infinite imagination, and infinite power of intention. That’s what meditation is really about. ~ Deepak Chopra

If you’d love to try, what about trying NOW? A new meditation challenge [Become what you believe] has started on Nov. 2nd ~ and it’s free!

Pic by dottergelb
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